Welcome to
Math Engaged
Empowering all individuals in the language and reasoning skills of mathematics
by engaging hand, body, and mind
Letter from the Director:
Dear families,
Over the last several years, it has been a great pleasure to enrich the lives here in Ithaca with the joy of mathematics, transforming preconceived notions of a stressful and scary school subject into a wondrous world of curiosity and problem solving.
At this time, Math Engaged must postpone actively developing summer camps and all academic programs. The greatest reward from all of our endeavors has always been seeing the faces of our students light up and witnessing the incredible projects our children develop as they utilize the power of mathematics. It is my hope that we will be able to resume our amazing programs again in the future with continued support from our community.
Until then, you can still find our incredible books, games, and other resources at the Durland Alternatives Library and find amazing references and project ideas here on our Resources page. Most importantly, I encourage all to reach out to us with any questions or ideas for bringing more engaging mathematics into your home or to any program, anywhere, for students of all ages and relationships to mathematics. Our mission to empower students with the world and language of mathematics endures, and we eagerly await our next opportunity to bring the joy and enthusiasm to students and families everywhere!
April E. Leithner
Program Director, Math Engaged
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